Getting Started


In order to run the program, you need Python3 and the following dependencies.


Either use git-clone using the following command;

git clone MyDDQT

or manually download the two python files into your desired working directory. In the example MyDDQT is an example. You can use any name of your choice.

Running the program

cd into your working directory and run the program.


Configuring Parameters

The program is designed so that all parameter settings need to be only edited within the main() module.

The following block is used to load Matlab data, this assume a dataset named sample.mat containing a table name rawData1. The output data is stored as ndarray and is named mat. This will be used for further processing.

print('Reading in raw matlab data using scipy IO modules...')
# Example - this assumes a matlab dataset named defect.mat and the
# table named rawData inside the dataset
dataset = 'sample.mat'
tablename = 'rawData1'
mat = read_matlab_data(dataset=dataset, table=tablename)

The data is assumed in the format containing time (axis=0) followed by spatial axis 1 (axis=1) and spatial axis 2 (axis=2) respectively. If the Matlab dataset contains data in a different axis order, re-arrange using numpy.moveaxis before proceeding to subsequent steps.

Data is described by the following block.

[t_max, s1_max, s2_max] = mat.shape
print('Shape of the data matrix')
print('t_max: %d  s1_max: %d s2_max: %d' % (t_max, s1_max, s2_max))

The range of the three different axis is set.

# scanning parameters
# in this sample code, time axes ranges from t_lb to t_ub over t_max
t_lb = 0*1e-1
t_ub = t_max*1e-1
t = np.linspace(t_lb, t_ub, t_max)

# s1 axis range from s1_lb to s1_ub divided over s1_max steps
s1_lb = 0
s1_ub = 200
s1 = np.linspace(s1_lb, s1_ub, s1_max)

# s2 axis range from s2_lb to s2_ub divided over s2_max steps
s2_lb = 0
s2_ub = 250
s2 = np.linspace(s2_lb, s2_ub, s2_max)

Units along the three different axis is held in a dictionary named units. In this example, the time axis is defined in micro seconds, while the two spatial axis are in mm. Set the appropriate units based on the experiment.

# dictionary object to hold the units along the different axis
units = {'t_units': '$\\mu$S', 's1_units': 'mm', 's2_units': 'mm'}

For ease of plotting, the s1 and s2 axis are converted to 2D meshgrid.

# meshgrid conversion in 2D
s1_2d, s2_2d = np.meshgrid(s1, s2, indexing='ij')

Raw data is visualized at four random spatial points by charting the time series.

# raw data visualization
print('Pick 4 random spatial coordinates and chart the time-series...')
visualize_time_series(mat, t, s1, s2, units)

The spatial data is visualized at different time stamps as needed. In the example below, the spatial data is visualized between time indices of 450 (t_min_idx) to 500 (t_max_idx) in steps of 25 (del_t_idx).

print('Visualize spatial slices of data at certain time stamps...')
t_min_idx = 450
t_max_idx = 500
del_t_idx = 25
visualize_spatial_data(mat, t, s1_2d, s2_2d,
                       t_min_idx, t_max_idx, del_t_idx, units)

The raw time series is very noisy and often a low-pass filter is desired. In this example, the time series is filtered using a simple mean filter. The filter avergages using the size parameter. The bigger the number, the more aggressive the filtering is.

# time series filtering of data
print('performing mean filtering at each spatial location...')
mat = mean_filter(mat, t, s1, s2, units, size=20, plot_sample=True)

The defects are defined using the list structure. As many defects can be setup. The defects can be defined using as many vertices as needed. Each defect is a list of tuples. The defect names or labels are a list containing strings.

# define defects
print('Defining coordinates of defects...')
# define as many defects as needed
# each defect should contain the coordinates of the vertices
# the structure is list of tuples
def1 = [(20, 20), (50, 10), (30, 40), (20, 30)]
def2 = [(120, 120), (180, 120), (150, 180)]
def3 = [(60, 60), (80, 60), (80, 80), (60, 80)]

# list contains all the defects
defs_coord = [def1, def2, def3]
def_names = ['D1', 'D2', 'D3']  # names of defects
defs = define_defects(s1, s2, defs_coord, def_names)

Calculation of features at every time index is computationally intensive. A sample of time stamps in defined. t_stamps defines the indices at which features are calculated, and where performance is finally measured.

# sample time indices where computationally intentionally features
# will be calculated.
t_stamps = range(500, 800, 100)

Feature engineering is very important and is based on problem at hand and creativity of the researcher. Feel free to define additional features as necessary. In the sample, the following family of features are calculated.

Identity features.

# identity features
features_id = {}
features_id['id'] = mat

Gradient based features.

# compute gradient features
print('Calculating spatial and temporal gradients...')
features_grad = {}
features_grad = compute_features_grad(mat)

Spatial domain features are calculated at desired time indices defined above.

# compute spatial domain features
print('Calculating spatial features at every location and time...')
features_sd = {}
features_sd = compute_features_sd(mat, t_stamps)

Time domain features are calculated at desired time indices defined above.

# compute time domain features
print('Calculating temporal features at every spatial location...')
features_td = {}
features_td = compute_features_td(mat, t_stamps)

Wavelet decomposition features are calculated at desired time indices defined above.

# compute wavelet decomposition features
print('Calculating wavelet transformed features at every location...')
features_wav = {}
features_wav = compute_features_wav(mat, t_stamps)

Once features are calculated, it is often desired to visualize the feature. The visualize_features accomplishes this as shown below. In the examples, s1_grad and s2_grad features belonging to features_grad are visualized.

# visualize feature
print('Visualizing computed features...')
t_idx = 650
visualize_features(mat, features_grad, s1_2d, s2_2d, 's1_grad',
                   t_idx, t, units)
visualize_features(mat, features_grad, s1_2d, s2_2d, 's2_grad',
                   t_idx, t, units)

The input features across all families are now combined into a single feature family for further processing. combine_features function combines the family of features as defined in the list named feature_list.

# combine features
print('Combining all features from different methods into a dict...')
feature_list = [features_id, features_grad, features_sd,
                features_td, features_wav]
features = {}
features = combine_features(feature_list)
print('Total number of features is %d' % (len(features)))

The features are scaled using the minimum and maximum values, so that the resulting features lie between 0-1. Scaling features has proven to be useful in Machine Learning.

# normalize features
print('Normalize features...')
features = normalize_features(features, t_stamps)

Outlier analysis is perfomed using two methods - Mahalanobis distance and Outlier Forest. If PCA is desired to reduce input dimensionality, set pca_var to the Desired Variance level. For example, if pca_var is set to 0.9, then it is implied that 90% variance is desired. Accordingly, PCA will choose the number of dimensions that are needed to achieve this. The result of Mahalanobis distance is output to the ndarray named mah.

# Outlier analysis using Mahalanobis distance
# if PCA is required to trim features, set pca_var to the desired
# explained varaince level - in this example, 90% variance is desired
print('Mahalanobis distance to identify outliers...')
mah = {}
mah = outlier_mah(features, t_stamps, pca_var=0.9)

Another popular method to detect outliers uses Isolation Forest method. The result is output to the ndarray named iso.

# fit Isolation Forest model
# if PCA is required to trim features, set pca_var to the desired
# explained variance level - in this example, 90% variance is desired
print('Fit Isolation Forest model...')
iso = {}
iso = fit_isolationforest_model(features, t_stamps, pca_var=0.9)

In order to better visualize the results contained in mah and iso, the frames are scaled between 0-1 using the minimum and maximum values of the arrays.

# scale frames between 0-1
print('Scaling frames between 0-1 for better interpretability...')
mat = scale_frames(mat, t_stamps)
mah = scale_frames(mah, t_stamps)
iso = scale_frames(iso, t_stamps)

defect_detection_metrics will compute the performance of the algorithms using True Positive Rate (TPR), False Positive Rate (FPR) and Area Under Curve (AUC) metrics. The function will also output the TPR at FPR rates of 2%, 5% and 10%. If plot parameter is set to True, the Reciever Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves are plotted to show the improvement obtained over the raw data.

# Defect detection metrics
print('Quantification of defect detection and plotting the results...')
defect_detection_metrics(mat, mah, iso, s1_2d, s2_2d,
                         defs, t_stamps, t, units, plot=True)